What exactly is Chessle?
Chessle is a Wordle spin-off designed for chess fans. You have six chances to properly guess the entire starting sequence of a game. It's a nerdy game that, like Wordle, causes you to think a lot about chess. The idea is straightforward: you guess the first three movements that white and black will make, and Wordle-style color codes show you where you went wrong and where you got it right. A player can choose between Normal and Hard difficulty levels to change the game's difficulty.
Gameplay Guidelines
The rules are simple: input your favorite opening and enjoy the gorgeous colors! There are two game modes: normal (3 moves per side) and expert (5 moves per side). You have six guesses, and each day at 12 a.m. PST, a new Chessle is generated.
There are two ways to play chess: normal mode and expert mode. In normal play, each player must guess three motions for each color. You must develop five moves for each color on expert mode. You can choose whatever mode you want. If this is your first time using it, use the standard mode. To have a great time, make sure you follow the directions above.
There will be a chessboard with black and white pieces provided. The board will display both the numbers and the letters. On Chessle Wordle, click the piece. The move you selected will be shown inside the box. Most of the time, you'll have to choose three motions for each of your six attempts. Good luck!
How to play Chessle
Using mouse