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Instant nerdle

Instant Nerdle brings the excitement of the Wordle-style puzzle game into the world of mathematics! In this mind-bending version, rather than guessing a word, players must predict a mathematical equation, making it the ultimate challenge for math enthusiasts. Think you can guess the correct equation using only numbers, operators, and symbols? Each guess helps you narrow down the possible solution, but be careful: there are no hints or shortcuts, just your knowledge of math and your deduction skills.

The gameplay of Instant Nerdle follows a simple yet tricky mechanic. You’re given a grid with placeholders for numbers and mathematical symbols, such as +, -, *, and =. Your goal is to make an initial guess for what the full equation might be. After you submit your guess, the game responds by changing the colors of the tiles: green means the number or symbol is in the correct spot, yellow indicates it’s in the equation but in the wrong place, and gray means that the number or symbol doesn’t appear at all in the equation. The challenge is to continue guessing based on the feedback and logic to solve the puzzle in as few moves as possible.

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